This is the ONLY way to launch it and make it work without crashing.

" open /Applications/OBS.app/Contents/MacOS/OBS -args -picture" Thank Rosenblat ~ I use OBS for streaming live, although I'm currently on Catalina, and WASN'T aware that updating to Catalina was going to COMPLETELY BREAK OBS.to combat this, you can download the most recent version of OBS and open the terminal and run this command
Does obs work on mac software#
I am asking you as someone who would eventually even be trying to partner with you once I'm a twitch partner to please, PLEASE, focus on and prioritize getting this software up and running properly and directly for Apple Computers. I use Mac because I also own Glowstick Bay Studios and all of our post production work is on iMac Pro's Mac Pro's, MacBook Pro's and so on.I have no PCs in my studio lol.Īll of this to say, I am so tired of workarounds and cloud based blah blah and doing everything but running a unified, simplified, streamlined version of your elements. I will grow quickly and OBS is the only platform I want to use for my streaming activity. I'm cheating in the sense that I am an established actor/music artist, and probably the first to decide to make Twitch streaming be a 50% part of my career type of thing. I already have 41 followers and will probably be an affiliate by next week and a partner by end of summer. I literally ONLY SIGNED UP to tell you that I just started streaming a week ago, and I am exclusively using OBS.